This is from Zane's first day of kingergarten (August 2004). Look at how little he is! I remember at the time Luke and I were talking about how big he looked, in comparison to his chubby cheeked toddler and preschool years.
I'm pretty sure I've posted this one on here already. This was Zane's last day of 5th grade, which was also his last day of elementary school. At his physical last week he was 5'1, which puts him at the 85% for height. And (MOM - lol) he's not as skinny as he used to be - his weight is up to 86 pounds, which puts him at exactly the 50%. Zane's jumped up quite a bit since his physical last November, when he was in the 30-some percentile for weight and 58 or 59% for height (if I'm remembering right).
They grow up way to quickly!
The increase in weight is due to all that HAIR!lol
It very well may be! Maybe I need to cut my hair too.... :)
Luke told Zane last week that we were going to have to "do something" about his hair before school starts. I hope the something involves a massive hair cut, but we'll see.
Amazing how much they change and how fast 6 years can fly by!
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