Sunday, May 30, 2010

Look what we have!

I stumbled upon this while I was working in my flower garden this afternoon:

Zane and I are very excited! My parents came over last summer and planted a bunch of strawberry plants for me. While we won't have a lot, it looks like we'll have a small crop this summer, which is awesome!


LivG said...

Wow! We have some too, but they are not that big yet. Maybe they are a different kind and we'll get more later in the Summer? Our neighbor has some on her side of the fence too and she said that she and the previous owner of our house didn't plant them, so we are not sure where they came from...

Shannon said...

Do you do anything to yours? I have done literally nothing to mine. I've never even watered them. They're in partial shade because they're under a hedge. They must be a really hardy type, because my parents don't do anything with theirs either and they usually have a bunch it sounds like.

LivG said...

Nope, I haven't done a thing with them! I do think the bunnies are getting them though :-(

TAB said...
