Zane's first soccer game was this morning. They ended up in a tie (1-1). Zane played very well and ended up playing a good portion of the game (I assume because he was doing so well). He even got in there and tried to get the ball from this kid on the other team who is probably at least 5'8. (The teams are 6th-8th graders, but still. Yikes!)
I have this really neat feature on my new camera where I'm able to set it on "Sports Continuous" and all I have to do is point the camera at Zane and hold the button down. It will take picture after picture very quickly, so that surely I'll get some good action shots of Zane playing. No more blurry sports pictures! I'm definitely feeling like this camera was well worth the price, especially with the 15x zoom. It's neat to look back through the pictures because it's like you're watching a video frame by frame. The only problem is now I have like 150 pictures to delete off the camera. :) It was really hard to decide which pictures to put on here because they're all so good.
That's MY grandson!! You go, Zane!!!
I LOVE that last pix of the 3 of us.
WooHoo! Great shots! Awesome!
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