One of Raegan's favorite things to do right now is watch little Sesame Street videos on my iPod. Her favorite is Share It Maybe, Cookie Monster's take on Call Me Maybe (which is currently Raegan's faaaaavorite song).
We've been very busy this week - a couple trips to the pool and the library, visiting Granny at work, and playing hard at home. (We have to wring every last drop of fun out of summer that we can!) Here's Raegan crashed during nap one day.
One of our trips to the pool with Greyson and Katie.
Today was the summer reading program celebration at the library. Raegan was convinced that it was going to be just like a birthday party. She was a little overwhelmed by all the people and especially the people in costumes, but she enjoyed herself.
Getting her face painted for the first time.

Her cotton candy at lunch was almost as big as her face! :)